The Workbook is Here!!

My dream is for us as a generation to have the courage to face ourselves in the presence of God and be transformed to be more and more aligned with our design so that we can live here and now in ever-increasing wholeness and beauty, both for our own selves and also for those who follow after us. - Katie

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To access your own free downloadable copy of the workbook, Original Design Restored: An Interactive Workbook, click here or click on the image below.

Original Design Restored: An Interactive Workbook is built upon the core content we facilitate at an Original Design Restored Intensive.  This interactive workbook aims to be a guided process for you to engage your own healing, growth, and transformation in pursuit of wholeness and freedom.  If you’ve wanted to engage further understanding of your story, everyday application of the Gospel, and practical tools for transformation in your own life, then this workbook could be just the thing for you.  Original Design Restored as an organization exists at the intersection of the Gospel, personal narrative, and experiential learning…and this workbook echoes those foundational elements.